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European Research Executive Agency
  • News article
  • 14 March 2022
  • European Research Executive Agency
  • 1 min read

159 proposals submitted for the 2022 calls on innovative governance in support to the Green Deal

Total amount of applications exceeds five times more than the available budget. Evaluations start soon, and the successful projects will be informed in June/July 2022. 

Cluster 6 call closure 2022 destination 7

In response to the call for proposals, applicants submitted 159 proposals by the deadline of 10 March. The available indicative budget for the 15 different research topics is €147 million. 

They were asked to explain how their research could contribute to tackling big EU challenges such as ground environmental observation necessary to cope with climate change effects; consumer-oriented labelling options for industrial bio-based products; secure sustainable water use in all sectors; and, sustainable food systems for co-benefits to nutrition and health, climate, environment, biodiversity, circularity and communities.

The funded research projects should foster among others: a sustainable and productive blue economy; citizens engagement in the monitoring, observation, and protection of the urban environment; and EU advisory networks on water use.    

Next steps 

The evaluation of the eligible proposals starts soon with the support of external independent evaluators drawn from the European Commission database of experts

Applicants will be informed of the results of their application in June/July 2022. The funded projects should start their activities as of November 2022. 

Horizon Europe’s Cluster 6: Food, bioeconomy, natural resources, agriculture and environment 

Until 2027, and with a total budget of €7.4 billion, the European Commission will launch yearly calls to fund research and innovation projects in the areas covered by Cluster 6: Food, bioeconomy, natural resources, agriculture and environment. 

The funded projects should help the EU deliver on its climate action goals set out under the European Green Deal.  

More info 

Visit the Funding and Tenders portal to see the full details, including the number of proposals per topic: 

Governance call


Publication date
14 March 2022
European Research Executive Agency