- Publication date
- 31 January 2024
- Author
- European Research Executive Agency
A solid understanding of science is an essential tool for citizens and society alike. Curating a healthy public discussion of scientific issues means empowering scientists, public authorities, communicators and the public to engage in meaningful dialogue. This updated Results Pack on science communication showcases nine innovative projects building towards this goal. Eight were funded under the Horizon 2020 Science with and for Society programme. This represents an investment of almost EUR 10 million made through the ‘Taking stock and re-examining the role of science communication’ call for proposals. The ninth project, COALESCE, is funded through a dedicated policy call under Horizon Europe European Research Area. The projects examine issues such as quality of science communication, trust in science, and the mitigation of the spread and impact of misinformation, disinformation and fake news. Bringing together journalists and science communicators, researchers, civil society groups, industry experts, and policymakers – the quintuple helix – they have delivered innovative ways to open up science to society.