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European Research Executive Agency
  • News article
  • 29 November 2023
  • European Research Executive Agency
  • 2 min read

New Horizon Europe projects to start their activity, ready to reform the EU R&I system

Under the Reforming and enhancing the EU R&I system destination, 17 projects are receiving €35 million in funding to work on better ways of advancing research and innovation.

Image featuring the Horizon Europe programme logo and the sub-programme name: Enhancing the European R&I system. Small illustrations featuring researchers, academics and citizens are positioned below, together with the call submission figures.
© European Union, 2023

As part of the Horizon Europe Widening participation and strengthening the European Research Area (ERA) work programme, the Enhancing the European Research & Innovation system funding opportunity aims to improve the system through structural changes, access to excellence and deepening the ERA.

The ERA 2023 call for proposals results

The most recent call for proposals closed on 9 March 2023, with 45 proposals received. Applications were subjected to evaluations by the European Research Executive Agency, with 17 successful proposals having already signed their grant agreements and received EU funding to kick off their projects. The total amount invested is €35 million.

Covering topics such as open science, ethics, foresight, research careers, research assessment, citizen science, research valorisation and gender, the selected proposals are:

Strengthening Phytosanitary Research Programming and Collaboration: From European to Global Phytosanitary Research Coordination EUPHRESCO III
Advancing the zero-tolerance approach to gender-based violence in higher education and research in the European Research Area GenderSAFE
Collaborative Action coordinating and enhancing systemic, actionable and transversal Sustainability Research and Innovation CASRI
Breathing Life into the New European Research Area and the ERA Policy Agenda Through Engaging Awareness-Raising Initiatives INSPIRING ERA
Towards A Brighter Future for The Mediterranean with a Renewed Prima Partnership FUTURE4PRIMA
Challenges and Innovative Changes in Research Ethics Reviews CHANGER
Curating, Replicating, Orchestrating, and Propagating Citizen Science across Europe CROPS
Research Ethics and integrity for the GREEN transition RE4GREEN
Blue Oceans Strategy for Value Creation BEAGLE
European Hub for Contemporary China EuroHub4Sino
Eye of Europe - The Research and Innovation foresight community Eye of Europe
Citizen-Oriented Valorisation for Advancement, Learning and Uptake in Europe CO-VALUE
Strengthening CoARA and Enabling Systemic Reform of Research Assessment - A Booster CoARA Boost
St(r)e(a)m It/Streaming Girls and Women into Steam Education, Innovation and Research STREAM IT
Quadruple-helix-based knowledge valorisation best practices to transition to an Open Science innovation management model Kaleidos
Integration of citizen SCIENCE best practices to Upscale and maximise projects impact related to Green Deal and EU missions ScienceUs
Macroeconomic modelling of R&D for the twin transition TWINRD

Discover the next funding opportunity

On 6 December 2023, a new call for proposals will be opened, with an overall indicative budget of around €25 million. It will focus on 9 topics, covering different priorities:

Prioritizing investments and reforms:

  • Programme level collaboration between national R&I policymakers;

Improving access to excellence:

  • Support for the professionalisation of research management;
  • Strengthening researchers’ skills for better careers – leveraging the European Competence Framework for Researchers;

Deepening the European Research Area:

  • Capacity building on Intellectual Property (IP) management to support open science;
  • Global cooperation in not-for-profit open access publishing;
  • Support to the development and implementation of policies and practices for reproducibility of scientific results;
  • Policy coordination to support all aspects of inclusive Gender Equality Plans and policies in the ERA;
  • Support to the implementation of inclusive gender equality plans;
  • Next generation AI and Human Behaviour: promoting an ethical approach.

The deadline for applicants will be 12 March 2024. Make sure to check out the 9 topics and the recorded Info Day to learn more about the call and the application process!


Publication date
29 November 2023
European Research Executive Agency