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European Research Executive Agency
  • News article
  • 22 April 2022
  • European Research Executive Agency
  • 2 min read

European Commission receives 745 proposals following funding calls on democracy, culture, and inclusive society

The European Research Executive Agency (REA) received 745 proposals, with a total requested budget of € 2.1 billion, across the three calls under Horizon Europe – Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society. The call closed on the 20th of April.

Horizon Europe funding calls on democracy, culture, and inclusive society

Under Horizon Europe, the European Commission funds social, economic, technological, and cultural research and innovation projects to assist in the transition towards healthier democracies, more equal societies, and a more vibrant cultural heritage.

To assist in this transition, three calls were launched under ‘Cluster 2: Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society’. Each call forms part of a wider research field, or destination, that will explore specific topics that support the Commission’s aims.

These calls were the second calls under this cluster.

According to the Horizon Europe Work Programme 2021-2022: Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society, the available budget is €264 million with a total of 29 topics to be researched across these three calls.

Breaking down the three calls

For the Reshaping Democracy call (HORIZON-CL2-2022-DEMOCRACY-01), REA received 241 proposals totaling a requested budget of €677 million. The available budget for this call is €81 million. This call forms part of the Democracy and Governance destination.

According to the Work Programme, nine topics are to be researched with the expected research outcomes centering on: inter alia the impacts of artificial intelligence, inequalities, extremism, the media, and global governance on democracy. 27 projects are expected to be funded.

For the Research and Innovation on Cultural Heritage and CCIs call (HORIZON-CL2-2022-HERITAGE-01), REA received 335 proposals totaling €981 million. The available budget is €93 million. This call forms part of the European Cultural Heritage and the Cultural and Creative Industries destination.

According to the Work Programme, the expected outcomes will focus on ten topics. These include the New European Bauhaus, safeguarding endangered European languages, the European filmmaking industry, the impacts of games on society, and the effects of climate change on cultural heritage. 27 projects are expected to be funded.

For the A Sustainable Future for Europe call (HORIZON-CL2-2022-TRANSFORMATIONS-01), REA received 169 proposals for a requested budget of €474 million. The total available budget is €90 million. This call is under the Social and Economic Transformations destination.

According to the Work Programme, expected outcomes will examine ten topics including racial and religious equality, the conditions of irregular migrants in Europe, indicators for well-being, and overcoming discrimination in the labour market, amongst others. 30 projects are expected to be funded.

What’s next?

The evaluation of the proposals will start presently with the support of external independent evaluators drawn from the European Commission database of experts.

The evaluation results are expected to be communicated in July 2022. Following the notification of successful projects, the grant agreements will be signed.

Other calls under Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society can be found at the Funding and Tenders Portal. To stay updated and informed, please subscribe to the newsletter.


Publication date
22 April 2022
European Research Executive Agency