Contact REA - European Commission
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European Research Executive Agency

Contact REA

For any question related to European-funded research, projects, proposals or calls


European Research Executive Agency (REA)

Physical address:

North Light building,
Boulevard Simon Bolivar 34,
1000 Brussels

Mailing address:

European Research Executive Agency (REA)
[Name, Surname]
SB34 [Floor, office number]
1049 Brussels

Hotels near the REA

General enquiries regarding research and innovation, and funding and tender opportunities

Before submitting a query, please consult the Funding & Tenders’ Portal, and in particular its Online Manual and FAQs section. The Portal includes information on past and ongoing calls for proposals or tendersproject partner search and results of certain EU projects. The Online Manual provides detailed guidance on the application process, the grant signature and grant management. It also has a section dedicated to expert evaluators.

For detailed information on EU-funded projects in the field of research, and their results, please consult the Community Research and Development Information Service (CORDIS) website.

Should you still have questions related to European research, available funding instruments in the field of research, or the validation of participants, please contact the Research Enquiry Service. For additional information on funding opportunities or project partner search, you may also get in touch with your National Contact Point.

Please contact the Central Validation Service via the ‘Messages’ function in the Participant Identification Code (PIC) account in the Participant Register.

Enquiries or concerns from Research and Innovation project applicants

For calls’ related queries, please contact the Research Enquiry Service.

Enquiries from project applicants and contractors concerning the Promotion of Agriculture Products’ programme

Enquiries or concerns from participants in current and past Research and Innovation projects

Running projects: please contact your Project Officer via the Communication Centre tool in the Funding and Tenders Portal (log in at the top right corner). Should you be unable to do so, please contact the Research Enquiry Service.

Requests for FP7 or Horizon Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship Certificates: consult this page for detailed information. If you experience issues with an online certificate request, please contact the Research Enquiry Service.

Enquiries from REA experts and experts who wish to work for the REA

If you are an expert with a contract signed by the REA and have questions linked to contracting and payment terms, including VAT exemption certificates, please contact us via the email address mentioned under Article 21.3 of your contract.

If you are coming to Brussels for  evaluations, please consult our guidelines on travel and accommodation, as well as the hotel guide near our premises with special, negotiated conditions. 

If you are interested in working as an expert, assisting the REA (or other EU institutions) in the evaluation of grant applications and projects, please consult this page.

Media enquiries

Please contact the pertinent Spokespersons' Service.

Other enquiries

Requests for Access to REA Documents

For requests for access to REA documents under Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 May 2001, regarding public access to European Parliament, Council and Commission documents, please contact, indicating your name and postal address.

Enquiries related to data protection and processing

REA is committed to personal data protection. Any personal data is processed in line with Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2018, on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and on the free movement of such data.

For enquiries related to the protection and processing of personal data at REA, please contact REA Data Protection Officer at

Recruitment related enquiries

Please note that the REA does not consider unsolicited/spontaneous applications or CVs. Only applications for published vacancies will be taken into consideration. Please consult our dedicated webpage for recruitment related information and vacancies, as they arise.

VAT number related enquiries

Please note that the European Commission and other EU institutions, such as the Research Executive Agency, do not have an economic activity and are therefore not taxable under Article 9 of the VAT Directive (2006/112/EC). Consequently, they do not have a VAT or tax number. For further questions, please contact the EUROPE DIRECT Contact Centre.


IMPORTANT: Please only contact us via the below form in case of queries not covered above: