REA privacy policy and social media use - European Commission
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European Research Executive Agency

REA privacy policy and social media use

General information

The European Research Executive Agency (REA) is committed to user privacy. On this page, you will find information on how your personal data is processed in REA.

The protection of personal data is a fundamental right in the European Union (Article 8 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Article 16 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union). It is complemented by several instruments, such as the Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 which sets out the data protection requirements with regards to the processing of personal data by the EU institutions, bodies & agencies, applicable to REA.

Individuals whose personal data is processed by REA, may exercise certain rights, established in Articles 14 to 24 of Regulation 2018/1725. In certain cases, REA may restrict data subjects’ rights in line with Article 25 of the Regulation, based on its Decision of the Steering Committee on internal rules concerning restrictions of certain rights of data subjects [...], OJ L 198, 4.6.2021.

The data subjects are informed of their rights via data protection notices (DPN) shared by the data controllers and the data protection records (DPR or record), available in the Central Public Register of Records.

Please consult the general legal notice and the privacy policy of the website, and the European Commission’s Register of the Data Protection Officer (DPO) for processing activities relating to the European Commission. You will find REA’s Public Central Register of Records about REA’s processing activities below.

Public Central Register of Records

Article 31.5 of the Regulation provides for the setting up of a Central Register of Records of processing activities, which is publicly accessible, based on the records submitted by the data controllers.

The purpose of the Central Register is to inform the public and data subjects about the existence of personal data processing activities/operations at REA. All individuals concerned may exercise their rights recognised by Regulation 2018/1725, as described by the information contained in the related Data Protection Notices (DPN), also known as Privacy Statements.

Please note that following the adoption of the new Multiannual Financial Framework, REA’s mandate has been modified and an internal reorganisation has taken place to reflect REA’s new portfolio of activities. Hence, REA’s Public Central Register is currently under revision to mirror this. Should you not find a data protection record on a specific processing activity or have questions, please contact REA’s Data Protection Officer. Please also note that some references to the units’ numbering might be outdated.


When subscribing to our newsletters, you accept REA’s newsletter privacy statement.

Social Media

We use social media to present our work through widely used and contemporary channels. We follow the European Commission’s social media moderation policy

You can access REA’s accounts on social media platforms directly from our website. In order to protect your privacy, our social media buttons or components to connect to those services do not set cookies when our web pages are loaded on your device, nor you are immediately redirected to social media websites.

Each social media channel has their own policy on the way they process your personal data when you access their sites. For example, if you choose to watch one of the videos on YouTube, you will be asked to accept YouTube cookies; if you look at our activity on Twitter, you will be asked to accept Twitter cookies; the same applies for our presence on LinkedIn.  

If you have any concerns or questions about their use of your personal data, please carefully read their privacy policies before using them. The use of social media by REA, including Twitter and LinkedIn, does not in any way imply an endorsement of Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram and/or their privacy policy.

The ideas and views expressed by REA on social media, are for information purposes only. No communication through social media shall be deemed to constitute legal or official notice on behalf of REA or the European Commission. REA follows some Twitter users. However, being followed by REA does not imply an endorsement of any kind. REA reserves the right to not reply individually to messages or comments received on social media. 

Useful links