Applying for a job at REA - European Commission
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European Research Executive Agency
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Applying for a job at REA

Our staff, our agency

© European Union, 2024.

We are the Commission’s largest executive agency and are located in Brussels. We currently employ almost 900 dedicated colleagues from different backgrounds and nationalities across Europe. Harnessing our distinctive strengths and creative energy, we have one common vision: fostering excellent science for future generations! Find out more about us in our corporate brochure.

Applying for a job at REA

Many thanks for your interest in our agency! 

Over the coming years, we seek to attract additional talented colleagues with the right qualifications and expertise.

Please note that REA cannot consider spontaneous applications or CVs. Only applications for published vacancies will be taken into consideration. 

TIP: Before completing an application form, please make sure that you meet all the eligibility requirements specified in the vacancy notice. Applications that do not meet these, cannot be taken into consideration.

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Types of contracts we offer

REA offers different working contracts: 

How REA fills its vacant positions

If a vacancy cannot be filled by internal mobility, reserve lists for the corresponding profiles can be consulted. 

If no suitable candidate is found on the reserve lists, the vacancy can be filled by: 

  • publishing the post on the inter-institutional mobility portal;  
  • launching a new external selection (Call for expression of interest);
  • participating in external joint selection procedures with other Executive Agencies;
  • organising a CAST selection procedure.

Different selection procedures for Contract Agents and Temporary Agents

Contract Agents: the main reference point is REA’s  Decision REA/SC(2017)4.5 adopting the Commission Decision C(2017)6760 on the conditions of employment of Contract Agents. 

To be employed as a Contract Agent 3(a), candidates must succeed in all parts of the EPSO CAST tests (Reasoning and Competency). For questions and further details concerning the EPSO Permanent CAST competitions’ modalities, please refer to EPSO’s FAQs and to the EPSO CAST Permanent page

Temporary Agents: the main reference point is REA’s Decision REA/SC(2015)WP.1.

Data Protection Notices - selection and recruitment