CORDIS results pack on research infrastructures in Europe - European Commission
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CORDIS results pack on research infrastructures in Europe


Publication date
29 November 2023
European Research Executive Agency


Pan-European research infrastructures and national research infrastructures of European interest are facilities that provide resources and services for scientific communities across the EU and beyond, to foster excellence and collaboration, attract talent and address societal challenges. This Results Pack highlights the work of 13 Horizon 2020- and Horizon Europe- funded projects that, through the support of research infrastructures, are helping to advance scientific knowledge and technological progress supporting European society in facing current and future challenges. Research infrastructures are critical for science today. In order to tackle complex and global issues such as climate change, biodiversity changes, advanced medicine, energy production and the transition to carbon neutrality, researchers across Europe need access to world-leading resources. Research infrastructures exist to provide scientists, researchers and innovators with the necessary equipment, services and facilities to conduct excellent research. They can be physical hardware such as synchrotrons and remote sensing satellites or offshore sensors, reference collections such as biobanks and sociocultural archives, computing systems and communications networks, or virtual services such as cloud data tools.

Cover of "CORDIS results pack on research infrastructures in Europe"


  • 5 DECEMBER 2023
CORDIS results pack on research infrastructures in Europe