REA supports the Festival of the New European Bauhaus - European Commission Skip to main content
European Research Executive Agency
  • News article
  • 8 June 2022
  • European Research Executive Agency
  • 3 min read

REA supports the Festival of the New European Bauhaus

9 -12 June the Festival will explore the New European Bauhaus values of beauty, sustainability and togetherness. It will showcase research projects managed by REA, live in Brussels with free admission for the general public as well as online.

New European Bauhaus: Concept Image
© European Union, 2022

“The New European Bauhaus movement is intended to be a bridge between the world of science and technology and the world of art and culture… it is about a new European Green Deal aesthetic combining good design with sustainability.”  - President of the European Commission Ursula Von der Leyen

To understand the EU’s New European Bauhaus initiative one has to look at the general model of the original Bauhaus movement itself (1919–1933). Founded by architect Walter Gropius in Weimar, Germany, it was grounded in the idea of creating a Gesamtkunstwerk (comprehensive artwork) in which all the arts (crafts such as metal works or fine arts such as sculpture) were brought together.

In a similar concept, the EU’s New European Bauhaus movement aims to bring together creative and interdisciplinary experiences where students, architects, artists, scientists and entrepreneurs can collaborate. Bridging the worlds of research, science and technology, to those of education and civil engagement, and of art, culture and architecture will connect the European Green Deal to people’s living spaces and daily lives.

The ultimate goal of the New European Bauhaus is to turn Europe’s green renovation project into a cultural movement, and in order to achieve this citizen participation is essential. As Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, Mariya Gabriel states: “Citizens are key drivers of the transition towards more sustainable, inclusive and beautiful places and lifestyles. The New European Bauhaus is made by and for each citizen.”

This is why the European Commission is celebrating the New European Bauhaus via both an online and live festival in Gare Maritime and Place De Brouckère. Elements of the festival such as the fair (exhibitions), festival (artistic performances), side events and forums (debates) are set to fire up citizen participation, promote networking opportunities and showcase what Bauhaus projects have to offer Europeans. This year the festival has three differing yet intertwining themes, the three values of which are: beauty, sustainability and togetherness. The European Research Executive Agency will have a strong showing of projects funded by the Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe programmes, the following of which are just a taster.

Protecting beautiful cultural heritage sites sustainably

Ancient monuments and other cultural sites are vulnerable to a myriad of environmental threats, both natural and human-made. These range from extreme weather events (floods, forest fires, droughts, tornadoes) to wartime destruction to pollution and climate change. Conservation and restoration are key, which is why the EU-funded HYPERION project will provide a diverse range of tools needed to understand the ravages of time and intense geological phenomena on cultural heritage monuments in Greece, Italy, Norway and Spain (representing different climatic zones). The findings will boost The EU’s understanding of specific threats and improve decisions for effective response. Project work will also contribute to the rehabilitation of the historical regions under threat.

Find out more about HYPERION

An integrated approach to refugee assistance

An efficient management of migrant integration into the EU requires a clear understanding of migrants' personal and family situation, including their legal status, origin, cultural background, skills, language skills, medical records, etc. Once such information is available to public authorities, it can improve societal outcomes to the benefit of both EU host countries and migrants. That is why the EU funded REBUILD project seeks to addresses immigrant integration through the provision of an AI toolbox of ICT-based solutions that will improve both the management procedures of the local authorities and the life quality of incoming migrants.

Find out more about REBUILD

Harnessing the power of social housing communities

Resource efficiency in cities depends on consumption and production patterns that are linked to changes in people behaviour. That is why the EU funded CIRCUBED project explored how social housing communities (behavioural patterns) can contribute to the implementation of a circular economy in cities, and how they can be engaged in envisioning possible scenarios for a transition to a circular community. The project has provided guidance material to assist housing associations and related companies, making it easier to maintain, repair, upgrade, refurbish, re-manufacture or recycle housing materials in cities with respect to traditional ones. Through advanced training, applicants could enhance their research-related skills as well as transferable skills about project management, exploitation, dissemination and communication to different audiences.

Find out more about CIRCUBED

More info:

Discover the 29 projects managed by REA that will take part in the Festival!

Festival of the New European Bauhaus


Publication date
8 June 2022
European Research Executive Agency