The MSCA Doctoral Networks aim to train entrepreneurial, innovative and resilient doctoral candidates, able to face current and future challenges and to convert knowledge and ideas into products and services for economic and social benefit. Find out more in this video.
2025 Call for proposals
- 28 May 2025Launch of the call for proposals
- 25 November 2025Deadline for applicants to submit proposals
- April 2026Notification of applicants if their proposal has been selected (TBC)
- July 2026Grant agreement signature for successful projects (TBC)
- August 2026First EU-funded projects start (TBC)
Information on eligibility for MSCA fellowships and project funding
Overview of the application process, guidance and templates
Resources and contact points to help you prepare your proposal
- 27 November 2024Deadline for applicants to submit proposals
- April 2025Notification of applicants if their proposal has been selected (TBC)
- July 2025Grant agreement signature for successful projects (TBC)
- September 2025First EU-funded projects start
- 28 November 2023Deadline for applicants to submit proposals
- End of April 2024Notification of applicants if their proposal has been selected
- End of July 2024Grant agreement signature for successful projects
- Autumn 2024Coordinators Day
- From September 2024Projects' start
The content of this page is for information purposes only. The relevant legal instruments and the text of the call shall take precedence over the information contained on this page. The European Commission and the European Research Executive Agency do not accept responsibility for any use made of the information contained therein.