- Publication date
- 14 March 2024
- Author
- European Research Executive Agency
After their fellowship, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) fellows are requested to complete two short surveys covering various issues including their integration within the host institution and the impact of the fellowship on their skills development, career and employability. The evaluation questionnaire is completed immediately after the end of their fellowship to review their experience, skills acquired and immediate next steps after their MSCA project. The follow-up questionnaire is submitted two years after the fellowship to gather further information on the more mid and long-term impact of the fellowship and the career trajectories of the fellows since. Some MSCA projects funded under Horizon 2020 (2014-2020) are still ongoing, so the programme continues to receive new responses from researchers and seconded staff following the end of their fellowship. Since 2021, regular reports have been published presenting the updated results and key findings from these questionnaires. This 2024 report provides an update on the results of these surveys, as well as a more specific analysis of the results focused on the different scientific fields.