- Publication date
- 5 May 2023
- Author
- European Research Executive Agency
The ERA Chair Dynamics in the Widening Programme report aims at capturing the geographical distribution of ERA Chair projects throughout the different Horizon 2020 (H2020) 2014-2020 and Horizon Europe (HORIZON) 2022 Calls, by analysing the flows of the ERA Chair holders from their origin to destination. The report focused on topics, such as the trends of returning nationals in the ERA Chair holder flows, gender aspects, origin of holders from non-associated Third Countries and the overall picture of career mobility within the scheme of the ERA Chair Action. In particular, the analysis centres on the ERA Chair projects funded under the four Calls of H2020 "Spreading Excellence and Widening Participation" (SEWP) Programme and the first Call of ERA Chairs under the "Widening Participation and Spreading Excellence Programme" in HORIZON.