- Publication date
- 8 March 2024
- Author
- European Research Executive Agency
If one thing is certain in our rapidly changing world, it is that transformation now takes place on a much deeper level, considering all the new branches of activity that are created every day. The challenge of keeping pace with all these changes is particularly acute for the education sector. The nine EU-funded projects featured in this Results Pack focus on fostering an open learning educational ecosystem that will equip students with all they need to navigate their life today and anticipate future advances. Today’s schools mostly lack the methodologies and practices required to meet the diverse needs of 21st-century learners. New skills such as problem solving and critical thinking and fields such as computer science, AI, engineering, the green transition and environmental awareness demand that students fully immerse themselves in the new knowledge instead of being passive recipients of it. Within this context, education requires a major overhaul. For students to thrive in an ever-complex society, their learning must take place in the real world: the home, the community, the museum, the lab, the park; competence-based education cannot be confined within school walls. It is becoming more evident that the solution lies with open schooling, which encompasses an entirely different approach to ‘what’, ‘where’ and ‘when’ people learn. Open schooling invites policymakers, schools, parents, community, academia and enterprises to become collaborators in reshaping the educational experience and transforming the way students learn, at the same time strengthening the link between learning and society.