The EU Mission: ‘A Soil Deal for Europe’ 2023 calls for proposals will close in September 2023, with evaluations taking place just after. We are looking for experienced and motivated specialists on soil-related areas to help us evaluate the project proposals and select the best innovative ideas that could advance towards the restoration and protection of soils.
In addition, Cluster 6: ‘Food, bioeconomy, natural resources, agriculture and environment’ 2024 calls for proposals will open in Autumn, and evaluations of proposals are expected to be carried out in early 2024. To evaluate the project proposals, we will need specialists with expertise in areas that range from animal welfare, sustainable livestock production, ecological agriculture and aquaculture, land and maritime spatial planning, circular food packaging, carbon farming and more.
You can prepare for the next evaluations following a few steps. First of all, if not yet done, register in the Commission’s experts database, if you would like to work with us as an evaluator.
Secondly, if you are already in the Commission's experts database, update your profile regularly. Make sure you use the right keywords – your expertise should match the research topics open for funding, e.g.: spatial planning, horticulture, urban planning. Check the Horizon Europe EU Missions work programme 2023-2024 and/or the Cluster 6 work programme 2023-2024 to identify the research topics open for EU funding.
Finally, in addition to your thematic expertise, update your profile also with your experience and expertise in cross-cutting aspects of research & innovation (e.g., co-creation, open innovation, financial management of projects; Intellectual Property Rights, etc.).
What are the advantages?
Working as an expert for the European Commission, you can play a key role in selecting the research and innovation ideas that can contribute to tackle key global challenges, while transforming Europe into a greener, more inclusive and resilient continent.
In addition, you can network with other specialists, sharing and learning from the experts’ community. Watch what positive aspects previous experts highlight.
What is your role as an expert?
Experts assess proposals submitted to Horizon Europe funding, working individually and in teams, remotely and/or in person.
How do we select experts?
We firstly identify the type of expert profiles we need to evaluate the different aspects that proposals need to cover to address the challenges identified in a given topic.
Secondly, we search in the European Commission’s database for experts with the relevant professional and technical expertise and English language skills.
We select experts aiming to compose panels of experts that cover the different expertise and experience needed, whilst ensuring no conflicts of interest and a balance in terms of geographical origin, business and private sector and gender.
Cluster 6 and the EU Mission: “A Soil Deal for Europe”
The European Commission’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme will provide EUR 157 million in funding in 2023 to help deliver the EU Mission: A Soil Deal for Europe, and EUR 1.8 billion funding during the period 2023-24 under the Cluster 6 category to help carry out the EU Green Deal’s objectives.
The funded projects are expected to accelerate the transition towards a greener and healthier Europe.
Read more
Horizon Europe Online Manual ‘Work as an expert’
EU Mission: ‘A Soil Deal for Europe’
Horizon Europe Cluster 6: ‘Food, bioeconomy, natural resources, agriculture and environment’
- Publication date
- 27 April 2023
- Author
- European Research Executive Agency