Part of the Horizon Europe: Widening participation and spreading excellence funding sub-programme, the ERA Talents action aims to boost cross-sectoral talent circulation and academia-business collaboration for knowledge transfer in Widening Countries.
The latest ERA Talents call for proposals (HORIZON-WIDERA-2022-TALENTS-03) closed on 15 November 2022. 16 proposals were submitted and the best 9 were selected for funding. The Grant Agreements were signed earlier this year and activities started between June and September 2023, with a foreseen duration of up to 4 years.
Career development and employability of research and innovation talents are the main objectives of the action. Specifically, the projects are expected to strengthen the research and innovation human capital through upskilling activities with an entrepreneurial mindset, as well as build up a structured and impactful collaboration between academia and the private sector. The overall aim of the projects is to facilitate talent circulation across sectors and countries.
Discover the funded projects and how they support cross-sectoral talent circulation and foster strong academia-business relationships:
Accelerating ERA by Sharing Unique Talents for healThy Life and Environment | ERA_SHUTTLE |
Cross-sectoral Alliance as the Key for Innovation-driven Business Success of Estonian and Greek Reproductive Healthcare | NESTOR |
From Insightful Science to Innovative Health: Strengthening Translational Capacity and Talent Interoperability in Vaccine and Biologic Research & innovation | VISION |
Advanced Photonic PRocesses for novel sOlar energy hArvesting teCHnologies | APPROACH |
Cultivating Leaders for Innovative Coatings and Additive Manufacturing Applications | CLiCAM |
EdTech Talents | EdTech Talents |
Up-skilling Researchers for Sustainable Entrepreneurship Based on Innovation Process Management | USE IPM |
ERA Talents For Boosting and Balancing Brain Circulation | TBrainBoost |
Social Sciences for Democracy: A Training Program for Improving Research on Illiberal Systems and Finding Ways to Build More Robust Democracies | SOS4democracy |
More about the Widening funding opportunities
In line with the ERA (European Research Area) policy objectives, the Widening sub-programme is funding projects that help build the research and innovation capacity for countries lagging behind in research and innovation performance.
The next ERA Talents call for proposals will be open between 11 April 2024 and 26 September 2024. The estimated budget is 40 million euro. You can find more information and the eligibility criteria in the Work Programme 2023-2024.
Other Widening Participation funding opportunities currently open to receive proposals are Excellence Hubs and ERA Chairs. Both calls are open until 7 March 2024.
Curious about other REA managed projects that focus their efforts on upskilling? Check out our European Year of Skills factsheet.
- Publication date
- 31 October 2023
- Author
- European Research Executive Agency