The 91 new projects are funded through the EU Horizon Europe framework programme for research and innovation, under Cluster 6 “Food, bioeconomy, natural resources, agriculture and environment”. They will be working on delivering the commitments outlined in the EU Green Deal. Namely, to help curb environmental degradation, reverse biodiversity decline, better manage natural resources whilst ensuring food and water security.
The projects have signed their Grant Agreements with the European Commission. Some of them have already begun their research while others will commence shortly.
What will the selected projects do?
Biodiversity and ecosystems services
Projects are expected to help manage the protected area networks and improve species and habitats' status with a special focus on pollinators. Also, projects will work on integrating biodiversity, ecosystem services and natural capital into public and business decision-making. They will help advance transformative change to tackle societal challenges by using nature-based solutions.
Other projects are expected to improve practices in agriculture, forestry, fisheries and aquaculture to help biodiversity. Projects will use advanced digital technologies and engage society to better connect biodiversity research at EU and global levels.
See projects funded under this call
Fair, healthy and environment-friendly food systems from primary production to consumption
Projects are expected to contribute to preventing and reducing food waste, develop new healthy and sustainable food products and processes, and tackle food fraud. Projects will develop smart tools for healthy and sustainable food provision and analyse the impact of alternative protein sources.
Several projects will use citizens’ science to foster the transition to sustainable food systems. In addition, projects will address food security, climate change adaptation and fair-trade food systems in Africa.
See projects funded under this call
Circular economy and bioeconomy sectors
Projects should boost the transition to a circular economy through innovative solutions and sustainable practices in EU regions and cities and in different sectors - including tourism, furniture and textiles.
Other funded projects will be working on solutions for programmed biodegradation of bio-based materials and products. Several projects will explore organisms capable of thriving in extreme environments to source novel enzymes, drugs, and chemicals for industrial application.
See projects funded under this call
Clean environment and zero pollution
Projects are expected to help remove pollution caused by human activities from fresh and marine waters, soils, and air. Some EU-funded projects will analyse the environmental impacts of food systems and develop techniques to recover and recycle fertilising chemicals to deliver alternative products with reduced environmental impact.
See projects funded under this call
Land, oceans and water for climate action
Projects funded under this call will explore the socio-economic and environmental aspects of agriculture on peatlands and work on improving irrigation practices and technologies in agriculture. Also, projects will develop ocean models to analyse the climate impact in different regions.
Other projects are expected to contribute to the climate-smart use of wood in the construction sector to support the New European Bauhaus. In addition, projects should contribute to the EU-China international cooperation to improve biodiversity monitoring infrastructures and improve synergies between mitigation, adaptation, and conservation.
See projects funded under this call
Resilient, inclusive, healthy, and green rural, coastal and urban communities
Projects funded under this call should boost participation and empower local communities of the Arctic in environmental decision-making. The projects will also analyse the impact of the COVID 19 pandemic on rural communities to better understand the behavioural drivers behind people’s lifestyle choices.
Some of the EU-funded projects will leverage the New European Bauhaus values to reconnect and engage citizens with nature and sustainable food for their well-being and for improved biodiversity.
See projects funded under this call
Innovative governance, environmental observations and digital solutions in support of the Green Deal
The projects should develop EU advisory and thematic networks on forestry, biodiversity, organic farming, and sustainable livestock systems. They will analyse the role of media and marketing in fostering healthy and sustainable consumption practices. Other projects will provide support to the European Partnership for a climate-neutral, sustainable and productive Blue Economy. In addition, they are expected to deliver innovative applications to support the European Green Deal, building on meteorological satellite data.
See projects funded under this call
Number of projects per call for proposals
Horizon Europe Cluster 6 “Food, bioeconomy, natural resources, agriculture and environment” - 2024 calls | Number of funded projects | EU grant amount (in €) |
Biodiversity and ecosystem services | 14 | 76.542.281,25 |
Fair, healthy and environmentally friendly food systems, from primary production to consumption | 21 | 93418470,8 |
Circular economy and bioeconomy sectors | 17 | 70.437.447,13 |
Clean environment and zero pollution | 6 | 37.653.372,26 |
Land, ocean and water for climate action | 12 | 74.497.327,95 |
Resilient, inclusive, healthy, and green rural, coastal and urban communities | 4 | 15.494.258,81 |
Innovative governance, environmental observations, and digital solutions in support of the Green Deal | 17 | 132.938.731,85 |
Total | 91 | 500.981.890,05 |
How were the projects selected?
All projects were selected in seven competitive calls for proposals, which opened on 17 October 2023. In total, 733 proposals were submitted by the calls’ deadline in February 2024.
The selected projects received the highest marks in a peer evaluation run by the European Research Executive Agency with the help of independent experts.
Further information
For updates on these projects — as well as another innovative research — follow REA on X and LinkedIn and subscribe to the Horizon Europe’s Cluster 6: ‘Food, bioeconomy, natural resources, agriculture and environment’ newsletter for updates straight into your inbox!
- Publication date
- 23 January 2025
- Author
- European Research Executive Agency