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European Research Executive Agency
  • News article
  • 10 January 2025
  • European Research Executive Agency
  • 4 min read

31 new projects set to deliver state-of-the-art technology and services to the benefit of the entire research community

The EU is investing €224 million in new projects that will deliver infrastructures, resources and services to facilitate ground-breaking innovation in the areas of climate change, pollution, health, and astronomy. 

© European Union, 2025

Funded under Horizon Europe, the 31 new projects will make European research and innovation more competitive, while also strengthening global collaboration. 

The projects will provide the technology, networks, resources and services needed to allow the research community to contribute to EU initiatives such as the Destination Earth, the Green Deal, the Digital Strategy, and the EU Missions.  

The projects have already signed their Grant Agreements with the European Commission. They will start their activities as of January 2025. 

Number of funded projects per call for proposals
Research Infrastructures – calls Number of funded projectsEU funding*
Next generation of scientific instrumentation, tools and methods and advanced digital solutions - INFRATECH 2024 call 13€138 million
Developing, consolidating and optimising the European research infrastructures landscape, maintaining global leadership - INFRADEV 2024 call9€25 million
Enabling an operational, open and FAIR EOSC ecosystem  - INFRAEOSC 2024 call9€61 million
Total number of projects and funding 31€224 million

*Round figures


What are the funded projects expected to do?  

Next generation of scientific instrumentation, tools and methods and advanced digital solutions 

Projects are expected to provide tools and technology to better address ocean carbon uptake, climate change, air quality, or ethical issues in biomedical research.  

For example, the WeatherGenerator project is expected to build a supercomputer that will serve as a new Digital Twin for Destination Earth. The data provided can be useful to monitor and simulate environmental disasters, climate developments, and more.  

The PRIM-TECH3R project's objective aligns with the EU policy objectives and societal demands to address phasing out of animal testing in biomedical research. The project will create reliable state-of-the-art in vitro models from mouse disease models, complementing existing in vivo models.  

The ARTEMIS project is set to use digital twins and rely on advanced AR/VR technologies to contribute to cultural heritage conservation and restoration. 

See the projects funded under this call  


Developing, consolidating and optimising the European research infrastructures landscape, maintaining global leadership  

Projects should make available new services and opportunities for the research community, allowing them to better tackle scientific and societal challenges, enhance research capacities in Africa, boost European-African cooperation in research and innovation, and reinforce global competitiveness of the European Research Area.  

For example, the AtLAST project is ready to harness European know-how and global cooperation to revolutionise our understanding of the submm universe, while pushing for greener observational astronomy.  

Through training and mentorship, the RAFIKI consortium will support knowledge and technical capacity building for early drug discovery in Africa with a focus on infectious diseases such as malaria and tuberculosis.  

See the projects funded under this call 


FAIR and open data sharing, European Open Science Cloud Association (EOSC) Partnership, Innovative and customizable services for EOSC Exchange  

Projects are expected to create a European network of open and trustworthy repositories and ensure that practices, standards and tools for long-term data preservation become conventional and sustainable. Some of them would guarantee that open and FAIR (Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reuse) data becomes the norm inresearch on climate change adaptation. 

Some examples include: The LUMEN project aims to revolutionize how research outputs are created, shared, and utilised across scientific domains (Maths, Social Sciences and Humanities, Earth System, and Molecular Dynamics), enhancing scientific discoveries, fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, and promoting innovation and trust in European scientific research.  

The FIDELIS project aims to establish a healthy, vibrant and self-sustaining European network of Trustworthy Digital Repositories (TDRs) that will foster a supportive open science environment and guarantee FAIR data sharing now, and in the future.  

The FAIR2Adapt is a multidisciplinary project aiming to transform data into flexible, practical, and resilient climate adaptation strategies. Its impact can span across scientific advancement, economic resilience, social-environmental wellbeing, and responsible policy development, fostering multidisciplinary cooperation, enhancing trust in science, and stimulating a climate-smart economy.   

See the projects funded under this call 


How were the projects selected?  

All projects were selected in competitive calls for proposals, which opened on 6 December 2023. In total, 163 proposals were submitted by the calls’ deadline in spring 2024.

The selected projects received the highest marks in a peer evaluation managed by the European Research Executive Agency (REA) with the help of independent experts.


Further information 

For updates on these projects—as well as about other innovative research— follow REA on X and LinkedIn. You will get up-to-date information about their research findings as well as the upcoming events.  

Subscribe to the Horizon Europe’s 'Research Infrastructures' newsletter and receive these updates straight into your inbox! 


Publication date
10 January 2025
European Research Executive Agency