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European Research Executive Agency

Developing, consolidating and optimising the European research infrastructures landscape, maintaining global leadership (INFRADEV)

This destination aims to contribute to a strong, excellent and impactful European Research Area, by reinforcing Research Infrastructures capacities in Europe, their role at the global level and the policy-making in this field.

Consolidating and developing the landscape of European research infrastructures by supporting research infrastructure policy in Ukraine

Submit your proposal by 19 September 2024
1 topic
Assessing the state of research infrastructures in Ukraine
2 million
Indicative budget for this call


  1. 13 June 2024
    Launch of the call for proposals
  2. 19 September 2024
    Deadline for applicants to submit a proposal
  3. January 2025
    Applicants are informed if their proposal has been selected
  4. April 2025
    Grant agreement signature for successful projects
  5. As of November 2025
    Projects begin their research
grey background

All funding information and procedures on how to apply are on the Funding and Tenders portal.

2024 Call

Submit your proposal by 12 March 2024
3 topics
Consolidation of the research infrastructures landscape, Bilateral cooperation on research infrastructures with Africa
23 million
Indicative budget for this call


  1. 13 November 2023
    Research Infrastructures Info Day
  2. 6 December 2023
    Launch of the call for proposals
  3. 12 March 2024
    Deadline for applicants to submit proposals
  4. July/August 2024
    Applicants informed if their projects have been selected
  5. December 2024
    Grant agreement signature for successful projects (TBC)
  6. 1 January 2025
    Projects begin their research
grey background

All funding information and procedures on how to apply are on the Funding and Tenders portal.

2023 calls for proposals for funding

Proposals under evaluation
8 topics
Medical Studies, European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures, Building a Pan-European Landscape, Long-Term Strategies
79.55 million
Indicative budget for this call


  1. 6 December 2022
    Publication of the Horizon Europe Work Programme 2023 – 2024
  2. 6 December 2022
    Research Infrastructures Info Days
  3. 6 December 2022
    Launch of call for proposals for funding
  4. 9 March 2023
    Deadline for applicants to submit proposals

    47 proposals received for this destination by call deadline

    €136 million total requested by proposals for this destination

    The proposals are now under evaluation by independent experts

  5. July/August 2023
    Applicants informed if their projects have been selected

    26 projects signed a grant agreement

    €70.34 million indicative budget

  6. December 2023
    Grant agreement signature for successful projects (TBC)
  7. 1 January 2024
    Projects begin their research
grey background

All funding information and procedures on how to apply are on the Funding and Tenders portal.

2022 calls for proposals for funding

2nd call under Horizon Europe
Opens on 19 January 2022
3 destinations, 7 topics
ESFRI, Open Science, Oceans, Neuroscience, Science Instrumentation
161,8 million
Overall indicative budget

Developing, consolidating and optimising the European research infrastructures landscape, maintaining global leadership (INFRADEV) 2022

(Dates below are indicative) 

  1. 19 January 2022
    Launch of the call for proposals
  2. 20 April 2022
    Deadline for applicants to submit a project proposal
  3. September 2022
    Notification to successful project applicants
  4. December 2022
    Grant agreement signature for successful projects
grey background

All funding information and procedures on how to apply are on the Funding and Tenders portal.

2021 calls for proposals for funding

2nd call under Horizon Europe
Opens on 19 January 2022
3 destinations, 7 topics
ESFRI, Open Science, Oceans, Neuroscience, Science Instrumentation
161,8 million
Overall indicative budget

Developing, consolidating and optimising the European research infrastructures landscape, maintaining global leadership (INFRADEV) 2021 Call - second phase

(Dates below are indicative) 

  1. 30 September 2021
    Launch of the call for proposals
  2. 20 January 2022
    Deadline for applicants to submit a project proposal
  3. June 2022
    Notification to successful project applicants
  4. December 2022
    Grant agreement signature for successful projects

Developing, consolidating and optimising the European research infrastructures landscape, maintaining global leadership (INFRADEV) 2021 Call

(Dates below are indicative) 

  1. 22 June 2021
    Launch of the call for proposals
  2. 28 June 2021
    Info Day
  3. 23 September 2021
    Deadline for applicants to submit a project proposal
  4. February 2022
    Notification to successful project applicants
  5. May 2022
    Grant agreement signature for successful projects
grey background

All funding information and procedures on how to apply are on the Funding and Tenders portal.


The content of this page is for information purposes only. The relevant legal instruments and the text of the call shall take precedence over the information contained on this page. The European Commission and the European Research Executive Agency do not accept responsibility for any use made of the information contained therein.