The European Research Area (ERA) is the ambition to create a single, borderless market for research, innovation and technology across the EU.
As part of this year’s ERA Conference, an Exhibition will feature more than 15 successful EU-funded projects supporting the implementation of the first ERA Policy Agenda (2022-2024) and that therefore contribute to improving the ERA.
The ERA Conference offers a great opportunity to connect, learn from one another, and collectively shape the future of the ERA Policy Agenda.
On-site attendance will be limited, but all plenary sessions will be livestreamed with opportunities for virtual interaction.
The ERA Conference is organised by INSPIRING ERA, an EU-funded project managed by the European Research Executive Agency.
See the programme of the Conference and join the livestream
For more information on ERA, visit the ERA Platform.
- innovation
- Wednesday 18 September 2024, 09:00 - Thursday 19 September 2024, 17:00 (CEST)
Practical information
- When
- Wednesday 18 September 2024, 09:00 - Thursday 19 September 2024, 17:00 (CEST)
- Languages
- English
Discover the projects featured at the Exhibition and how they are supporting the improvement of the ERA. If you are attending the ERA Conference, pass by and meet them in person:
Responsible territories and institutions enable and foster open research and inclusive innovation for transitions governance:
REINFORCING supports organisations and institutions in Europe to transition to a new paradigm where responsibility and openness drive research and innovation processes. The project offers resources, services, and financial support. More
3Os and Intellectual Property (IP) awareness raising for collaborative ecosystems:
ZOOOM aims to raise awareness on the importance of IP generation and management in collaborative innovation ecosystems which rely on open source software (OSS), open (source) hardware (OH/OSH) and open data (OD). More
Developing and implementing hands-on training on Open Science and Open Innovation for early career researchers:
DIOSI proposes a full-cycle concept of doctoral training, from the development of a new joint model for doctoral education to measuring the impact of such training by creating a tracking framework. More
Gender-based violence and institutional responses: Building a knowledge base and operational tools to make universities and research organisations safe:
UniSAFE has developed a toolkit to address gender-based violence in academia and an inventory of Research Lessons Learnt in the Field of Ethics. More
European Centre of Excellence on inclusive gender equality in research and innovation: Creating knowledge and engaging in collaborative action:
INSPIRE develops innovative tools and knowledge to address intersecting inequalities across the public and private sectors and geographical regions in Europe. More
Beyond bad apples: Towards a behavioral and evidence-based approach to promote research ethics and research integrity in Europe:
BEYOND investigates the root causes of research misconduct, develops robust methodologies for impactful training and creates and enhances training materials. More
Creating FUTUre societal RESILIENCE through innovative, science-based co-creation labs:
FUTURERESILIENCE aims to strengthen European economic and social resilience through an enhanced ability to adapt and quickly respond to future crises. More
Research and innovation for cities and citizens:
RI4C2 and EC2U mark a collaborative effort among the universities within the EC2U Alliance, uniting their strengths to expand the Alliance’s reach into the area of Research and Innovation (R&I). More
Towards a common Una Europa RESearch and INnovation ecosystem:
Una.Resin’s goal is to create a seamless research and innovation infrastructure across the eight partner universities. Collectively, they believe they can deliver research that can challenge intellectual frontiers, shape disciplines and have an impact. More
Upscaling the Plastic Pirates citizen science initiative
Plastic Pirates – Go Europe! is a pilot initiative set out to show how a citizen science project can contribute to excellent science and citizen engagement. The Plastic Pirates approach for scaling the project has been analysed to prepare best practice recommendations for other Citizen Science projects. More
Outdoor science education for a sustainable future:
With education experts, OTTER is co-creating effective ways to make outside the classroom education a reality and fight plastic pollution.
COOrdinating and piloting actions towards ERA-hubs as inter- and-intra-regional ecosystems for knowledge production:
COOPERATE revolves around co-creation arenas in which ecosystems and a broader community of quadruple helix actors can interact. More
Career Acknowledgement for Research (Managers) Delivering for the European Area:
CARDEA aims to enable the professionalisation of research management as a valued career choice within the European Research Area. CARDEA proposes clear and identified role competencies, progression pathways, standards for benchmarked and indexed salaries and access to appropriate skills development for research managers at all stages of their careers. More
The equitable, inclusive, and human-centered XR project
XR4Human provides guidance and tools in order to ensure Equitable, Inclusive, and Human-Centered development of XR Technologies. More
HiLASE Centre of Excellence
HiLASE is part of the Institute of Physics, the largest institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences. It aims to push the boundaries of laser technologies beyond their current limits, search for new applications and contribute to the prosperity of Czechia and Europe. More
Renewable materials and healthy environments research and innovation Centre of Excellence:
InnoRenew CoE’s main goal is to advance the state of the art in nature-based solutions, especially using wood, that support and accelerate the adoption of regenerative sustainability methods. More
Reshaping nutrition across Europe
GIANT LEAPES seeks to accelerate consumers' dietary shift (to turn to alternative dietary proteins from animal-based proteins). This would lead to, among others, fewer greenhouse gas emissions and less use of energy, water and land. This is in line with the farm-to-fork strategy and contributes to the EU Green Deal target that aims to improve the well-being and health of citizens, by providing strategic innovations, methodologies, and open-access datasets. More
Hydrogen Energy Applications for Valley Environments in Northern Netherlands
HEAVENN will introduce a sizeable demonstration project aimed at the development of a methodology for and design of a fully integrated and functioning ‘hydrogen valley’. By bringing together the central elements of hydrogen production, distribution, storage and local-end use, the goal is to demonstrate how this hydrogen valley could reduce carbon emissions as well as potentially benefit businesses along its value chain. More
European Open Science Cloud (EOSC)
The ambition of the European Open Science Cloud is to provide European researchers, innovators, companies and citizens with a federated and open multi-disciplinary environment where they can publish, find and reuse data, tools and services for research, innovation and educational purposes. More
The European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC)
ERIC facilitates the establishment and operation of Research Infrastructures with European interest. More
Euraxess is the largest pan-European initiative to foster researchers' mobility and career development. More